A Journey of Creativity Through Self Portraiture
Do you ever wish you had more self confidence? How about wish you felt the freedom of knowing you can make art with nothing but yourself and a camera? Maybe you’re trying to work on your photography skills and want the flexibility to work without another model.
If this sounds like something that speaks to you, maybe it’s time to take my 30 Day Self-Photography Challenge!
You’ll never regret the practice you gain, the confidence that grows, and the unbelievable portfolio you’ll have by the end of this challenge.
Are you on Instagram? Think of it this way. If you take all 30 of these self portraits, you’ll have enough content to post once a week for 7.5 months?! Just because you take all this content in a month doesn’t mean you have to share it all immediately! Let that content ride you out…share your journey meaningfully and slowly if you’d like. Just relax and focus on developing more of your skills during that free time such as editing and post-production!
What You’ll Need
To start, you’ll need a camera. If you’re using a smartphone, I recommend getting comfortable using the back camera, for a higher quality image.
If you want to develop and elevate your skills more quickly, I recommend buying a cheap, used DSLR. However buying used may take time. So feel free to start with your phone and upgrade later. All part of the journey!
Second, your life will be made a lot easier if you have a tripod. I’m only an amateur but I have found great use out of this super cheap one on Amazon.
If you are eager to start and don’t have a tripod yet – no fear. There are always creative ways around it. Find a sturdy location to place your camera and then trigger the shutter. Which brings us to…
The “trigger.” One of the reasons I made this challenge is to get familiar with the shutter substitutes and see which one works best for different situations. These are some options that I know of:
- See if your camera has a built-in interval timer shooting mode AKA “intervalometer.” This allows you to choose how many times the shutter will take and how long the interval is between shots. This is the method I have used with my DSLR, and I usually set it to shoot every 2 seconds, 30 times.
- Buy a cheap bluetooth remote shutter. One like this is great for smartphones, but if you’re using a DSLR, make sure you check that you’re getting one that is compatible with your camera (older DSLRs obviously won’t have bluetooth/wifi capability.)
- Buy a corded shutter release controller for your DSLR.
You’ll also need an editing software to make the most of your portraits and be able to customize them. I would recommend Lightroom. Lightroom mobile has a free version that gives you everything you need.
If you’re up for a bonus, I recommend getting a subscription to Photoshop. Maybe it doesn’t need to be this month, maybe in the following months so you can have fun playing with it with your completed collection of portraits. However I think it is a great way to practice and unleash your full potential creative vision!
Luckily it’s not overly expensive if you want to bundle the full version of Lightroom and Photoshop (LINK). I do it and it costs me only $9.99 per month. Here is a link to Adobe’s various plans and bundles: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html
The 30 Day Self Photography Challenge!
Without further ado, here is the list! Feel free to pin it, share it on Instagram, just share it with your friends!

Day 1: Against a plain wall
Get the challenge started with this basic one! Try out several poses while standing in front of a basic wall. Indoors? Outdoors? It doesn’t matter! It’s up to you.
Day 2: From below
Interpret this how you wish. Place the camera on the ground and stand over it? Take a dramatic shot from a low angle? It’s up to you.
Day 3: From above
Try to get some elevation on this one. If you’re using a tripod you could extend it to its highest height and sit below as it’s tilted down at you.
Day 4: No face
For all you shy photogs out there, this one’s for you. Take a photo where you’re the subject, but your face is hidden! Get creative!
Day 5: Shoe detail
Throwing you another easy one for the shy photogs out there 😉 Style your shoes/ankles, calves/whatever you want! Throw on your favorite pair of shoes and make art!
Day 6: Hands detail
Channel your inner hand model, throw on whatever hand/wrist jewelry makes you feel alive (or none, if that’s not your thing), and snap a photo!
Day 7: With a flower
Pick a flower that speaks to you and pose with it in an artful way 🙂
Day 8: Eye highlight
I was never confident in my eyes. That’s why I threw this challenge into the mix. Try your best to take a gorgeous photo where your eye is the star. Use lighting/shadow to enhance them and make them shine!
Day 9: Face closeup (no makeup)
Let’s get uncomfortable y’all! Let’s face it, do any of us really love the idea of this day’s challenge? No. But is it important? YES! Practice facial expressions and focus on facial posing today. Find what works for you and makes you feel confident!
Day 10: Make an ugly outfit look good
This is a great confidence booster and a way to get out of your comfort zone with fashion/styling. How many times have you seen couture models in print ads look absolutely fabulous even though their clothing is ugly as sin? Be that model today. Work those ugly clothes and own them.
Day 11: With a pet
If you’re lucky enough to have a loving pet of your own, find a way to feature them today! Of course, we do some things for the ‘gram, but in this case it’s necessary to put your pet first and make sure they are safe, secure, and comfortable. Don’t have a pet? Get creative! If all else fails, there’s always Photoshop 😉
Day 12: Photoshop magic
Speaking of Photoshop, this is a great time to start playing around with it. In this shot you’re going to turn a self-portrait of your choice into something magical with a Photoshop edit. Play around, practice, and make something you’re proud of.
Day 13: An outfit that brings you comfort
You’re almost halfway there! Reward yourself and put on clothing that brings you comfort. This could mean comfortable lounge clothes, or a sweater you cherish because it reminds you of your mom or your childhood. It’s all up to you. Enjoy this one and find peace in it 🙂
Day 14: Full face of makeup
Have a ball giving yourself the best makeover you possibly can. Then take a self portrait in whatever framing or pose you wish. You could do a close-up face detail, or a full body pose, it’s up to you!
Day 15: Dress as a character you love
Whether you’re a huge cosplay fan, or not so much, we all have a character we love from a novel, movie, or TV show. You can go all out or subtle. For a bonus, find a prop or two to help build your character!
Day 16: Hold something special to you
Whether you want to be the main subject or melt into the background today, find a cherished object and create a way to showcase it in today’s photo.
Day 17: Ugly background, but make it cute
So many times we find ourselves unbothered to take photos because of an unexciting or unspectacular setting. “Oh I’ll wait until I’m in Hawaii,” we tell ourselves. Today is all about showing yourself that you don’t need a fancy house or gorgeous backdrop to take a great portrait. Prove it to yourself!
Day 18: Spooky
Go as spooky as you like in today’s photo. Whether you want to dress as a horror movie monster or take an eerie photo that just doesn’t quite sit right with you, I hope you enjoy this one! For a fun bonus, feel free to add in some spooky elements in Photoshop or give it an eerie mood in Lightroom.
Day 19: Golden hour
Today is all about timing. I thought this challenge should cover the golden hour/blue hour so that you can experiment and find out how they work in photos. For golden hour, you can take the photo either 1 hour before sunset or 1 hour after sunrise.
Day 20: Blue hour
Another timing challenge! Blue hour is just before sunrise or just after sunset. Can’t wait for you to compare your golden hour/blue hour photos.
Day 21: Nighttime
You’re a pro by now, so of course the challenges have to get harder, right? For this one, you can play with astrophotography with you in the foreground. You can play with silhouettes. You can play with long exposures, flash, flashlights, anything! Get creative – just make sure somehow in the photo we can tell it’s nighttime out.
Day 22: Mid air
Today you’re playing with gravity. Catch yourself jumping in the air, striking a pose of your choice. If you’re unable to literally be mid-air, I challenge you to get creative! Maybe you’re not midair, but something else in the photo is! Feel free to use Photoshop to your aid in this challenge.
Day 23: Personality pic – Bonus: Fun edit to show your personality
As we’re nearing the end of the challenge, it’s a good time to coordinate and shoot a “personality pic!” Try to take this meaning into every aspect of the photo. Think about things like your favorite time of day to shoot, an outfit that shows off your personal style, a pose that shows off your personality, and a facial expression that shows your inner spirit.
In this challenge I HIGHLY urge you to take it to the next level by enhancing it in Photoshop! Make a fun edit that you love!
Day 24: An outfit you thrifted
There is so much beauty in pre-loved items! Take a moment to show your favorite thrifted/pre-loved items some love in today’s photo.
Day 25: Shadows and light
Get creative and play with shadows and light in today’s photo. Frame it however you like, face closeup, full body, etc. Just make sure the light/shadow contrast is dramatic! Blinds in the sun is an easy way to get shadowing, or perhaps a plant shadow for a more naturalistic look.
Day 26: Play with a mirror/reflections
A simple search online or on Pinterest will show you a ton of inspiration here. Mirror effects are really cool. Or maybe you could try the rainbow effect with a CD and flashlight.
Day 27: Haute hair style
This one’s a highlight on your hair! So fun. Get dramatic with your hair styling today. If you don’t feel you can get dramatic enough, feel free to make some edits in Photoshop to get really crazy with it.
Day 28: On a comfy couch
Look – I get it – It’s day 28 and you’ve come SO FAR! It’s time you take a much needed rest and pose today on the comfiest couch/chair you have available. Kick your legs up, read a book, and press that shutter remote.
Day 29: Jewelry detail
Pretend you’re making a print-ad for your favorite jewelry pieces. How would you show the world why you love them? Feel free to show or hide your face in this one. If you haven’t realized by now – everything is up to you.
Day 30: Upside down
A fun one to end the challenge and celebrate! Make a trip to the monkey bars, hang off the couch, or just take a fun pic and flip it upside down in the editing process. You DID IT!!!!
You are your own creative genius and there really are no “rules.”
The only rules I would encourage are these:
- You are to be the subject in each photo.
- You are responsible for the camera positioning and triggering the shutter.
It is up to you whether each photo is taken indoors or outdoors. My tip is to pay attention to the quality of the photos if you’re working indoors and make adjustments to ensure the highest quality possible in the low light.
This challenge is made to be fun and a way to hold yourself accountable to push yourself and develop this skill of self portraiture.
It really is a skill that takes some practice – and I think it will be so rewarding for you to have your final self portrait “gallery” that you’re ultra proud of!
Don’t forget to tag me, @themonthlymigrant in your creations! I can’t wait to see what you do and get inspired by you!
Tips and Resources
I can’t complete this post without recommending you look up the Queen of selfies – Sorelle Amore.
She has created an awesome community of “solo artists” on Instagram that you must check out. This is a great place to get some inspiration as you’re getting further into your challenge.
Please try to remember, you don’t have to wait to start this challenge. You don’t need to wait until you have a more aesthetic home, or a prettier backyard. Having no professional backdrops or gorgeous gardens is PART of the challenge!! It forces you to work with what you have and get creative, artsy, and confident!